Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A Simple Solution to our Hair Coloring Issues

I had a long but good day today. I worked in the morning, came home, put Kevin down for a nap and then had to go to work again at 5 before he even woke up then I got home at 7:30. I sat there with my husband wondering what we were going to eat for dinner. When pizza from Little Cesear's was decided upon I made sure I wasn't the one to go get it because I wanted to spend time with the baby before he went to bed. Anyway... my point with all of that is, that my little boy is growing up and I love watching it. Speaking of little boys and their development, tonight I did my client Shirley Solomens hair. She has been coming to me for about a year or so and she told me today that she too had a long day. Because she lives in New Harmony she has to make her trips to Cedar really count so she had been running errands all day with her daughter and son. Her son is 12 and I believe her daughter is 17. When she told her son that she was coming to get her hair done he asked how long it would take her (obviously wanting to get back home and avoid the whole "boring" part of coming to town) she said it would take about 2 hours. He replied with a big long SIGH.
"Why does it take so long, don't they just use markers"?
From a simple minds perspective it does sound quite logical that one would use COLORS... as in markers to COLOR ones hair. Interesting, I have never even thought of that... I wonder if it would stay better???

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